IN THE NEW – Pretoria News 23 February 2015
Tankiso Makhete and Goitsemang Tlhabye wrote the following article for the Pretoria News
Protecting the pangolin a priority
Organisation launched at city zoo to help ward off mammal’s extinction
The shy pangolin is finally in the spotlight with the formation of the African Pangolin Working Group (APWG) to come to the aid of this near extinct species.
Officially launched at the National Zoological Gardens of South Africa (NZG) last week, the non-profit organisaion is aiming to educate communities about the plight of the scaly and reclusive mammal as it is being hunted at alarming rates the world over.
The APWG is the official representative of the World Conservation Organisations (IUCN) Species Survival Commissions Pangolin Specialist Group for Africa and attempts to monitoe and identify research opportunities, rehabilitation, law enforcement and community projects on African pangolins across multiple African states.