IN THE NEWS – Polisielid vas wat glo ietermagô wil verkoop
Die Beeld published this story on 18 August 2020 – another pangolin poaching group caught in the act! Read the original story here Polisielid vas wat glo ietermagô wil verkoop Deur Hanti Otto ‘n Gewapende polisielid het glo noe net ‘n hoogs bedreigde ietermagô prober…
IN THE NEWS – Four pangolins rescued in a week from illegal trade
On the 7th of August 2020, Sheree Bega from the Saturday Star wrote this story from information supplied by the African Pangolin Working Group. There has been a poaching spike out there with many pangolins being retrieved – this is about one of the busiest…
MEDIA – Eye of the Pangolin film screening and panel discussion
Dazzile Africa recently screened Eye of the Pangolin film on their website. Afterwards, APWG’s Nicci Wright took part in a panel discussion with filmmaker Bruce Young, Paul Thomson of Save Pangolins, Rod Cassidy from Sangha Lodge, and Kate Wilson from Mulberry Mongoose. Amongst other things…
IN THE NEWS – Africa’s pangolins will be extinct in 20 years if urgent action is not taken
The following article was written by Sheree Bega and published in the Saturday Star Professor Ray Jansen was sitting on his stoep last week Tuesday enjoying the sunset with his Labradors and drinking a cold beer when the call came through. A senior police officer…
IN THE NEWS – Pangolin highlights reality of poaching crisis
The following article was written by René de Klerk and published by During August, news of a poached pangolin reached the team at the Johannesburg Wildlife Veterinary Hospital (JWVH). While the rescue of live pangolins from the illegal trade in South Africa during sting…
IN THE NEWS – Pangolin rescued from poachers in North
The following article was published by the Pretoria North Rekord One poacher is still at large after four others were arrested in possession of a pangolin. A pangolin who has been named Zambezi was rescued this morning in a joint operation outside the Kolonnade Retail…
IN THE NEWS – Scaling up protection of Earth’s most heavily poached and trafficked mammal
The following article extract was published by the Daily Maverick and was written by Tessa Knight. August saw two breakthroughs in pangolin protection: China announced traditional medicines containing pangolin will no longer be covered by insurance, and an Mpumalanga court handed down the harshest sentence…
IN THE NEWS – Outrage over ruling in pangolin case
The following article was written by Sharika Regchand and published by the Witness Outrage greeted news on Thursday that the 42-year-old man who tried to sell a pangolin in Pietermaritzburg was given a R240 000 fine or alternatively a wholly suspended three-year sentence. Pietermaritzburg magistrate…
IN THE NEWS – Pangolin rescued from poachers in Limpopo
The Press release from Welgevonden Game Reserve, written by Jessica Oosthuyse was published by African Geographic and is republished here with their permission. A joint security operation led to the arrest of five pangolin poachers in Vaalwater, Limpopo earlier this February. “We received word of…